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كروب الاستاذ محمد العنزي || الاحياء

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I have been using Telegram for a long time. It’s straightforward, and most Telegram features save time and make my day-to-day life so much easier. Open Telegram Links in Your Favorite Browser Telegram is free to use and supported by its founder and CEO Pavel Durov. The company began employing new monetization methods in 2021, including a Telegram Premium subscription service, but the core business of chatting will remain free for everyone.

You'll have four options to choose from: Reminder on messaging apps has been one of the most sought-after features and finally, you can use it on Telegram. Recently, WhatsApp partnered with to bring Reminders, however, Telegram has implemented this feature natively. Though there is one lingering issue. You can only set reminders in the “Saved Messages” section. Type out the task and tap and hold the “send” button. Here, choose “set a reminder” and pick your date and time. Telegram will send a reminder notification just like Google Calendar or other task management apps. While the feature is good, we would have loved it more had it been available for user chats too. Send Uncompressed Media without Changing the File Extension Telegram’s core functionality is the same as most other messaging apps: You can message other Telegram users, create group conversations, call contacts, make video calls, and send files and stickers. However, there are a few specific features that make it work differently from other chat apps.

If you're verified on at least two social networks, you can verify your group, channel or bot. To lock a chat go to Settings->Privacy and Security->Passcode Lock and enable it. Once you create a passcode and enable it, you will be able to lock and unlock your chats by tapping on the lock icon at the top right of the app. If your device is stolen or someone took it, and you don’t want him/her to see the messages in your chat window, then you can simply terminate all the active sessions with just one click using your Mac, Desktop, Linux or Web client. With the ability to send files up to 2 GB (or 4 GB), users can easily share large media items from other apps directly to Telegram on any mobile platform. This saves both time and storage space – so you don't have to save the file before sending it in Telegram.

Schedule Messages Telegram users will now be able to press and hold any items in the list to reorder them and change their priority – downloading the top file first.

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